How To Do Yoga and What Is Cervical Spondylosis | Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

2016-01-07 3

Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative disease in which there is abnormal wear on the cartilage and bones of the neck (cervical vertebrae).
Spondylitis is one of the most common causes of back and neck pain and is essentially the result of an inflammation of the vertebral joints. The problem with detecting the condition is the fact that it develops rather under the radar and only comes to prominence once the condition has fully developed -- at which time the amount of pain and suffering it causes is substantial. The pain is usually concentrated around the cervical region of the neck, shoulder and lower spine with the instances and stings of pain flowing further downwards. 'What is spondylitis' will defer from instance to instance because of the fact that the condition categorizes three main types. The three versions of spondylitis are: cervical spondylitis -- which affects the cervical spine, causing the pain to spread towards the back of the neck; lumbar spondylitis -- which causes the pain in the lumbar region; and ankylosing spondylitis- which is primarily a disease that affects the sacroiliac joints -- causing stiffness in the neck, jaw, shoulders, hips and knees.
Despite the fact that yoga has been around for a number of centuries, it is only in the last few decades that it has come to global prominence and is increasingly accepted as being a very effective method of dealing with a number of health problems. Moreover, the fact that it helps develop the mind in addition to the positive effect it has on the body has seen a number of people take up the discipline with increasing vigor and commitment.
Spondylitis treatment through yoga is performed by practicing one of the many poses that help with relieving the pain that you are likely to be experiencing in your joints as well as various parts of the body. While some people rely on modern medicine such as the chemical based drugs -- there is always the possibility of side effects. However, with yoga, you are unlikely to face the problem as yoga does not call for you to ingest or be treated with any kind of substance. This is not to say, however, that there are no risks with yoga as performing any of the more complex poses without the advice or instructions of a trained yoga master could see you injure yourself rather severely. There are a number of the yoga postures such as the snake pose and the fish pose that are known to have worked wonders with the ankylosing spondylitis and cervical spondylitis. Yoga: Yoga has been around for thousands of years. Today, a large number of people take up yoga due to its positive effects on the mind as well as the body. Yoga does not have any side effects. Yoga poses are simple and these exercises improve your life as well as your physical and mental health. Yoga is beneficial for people of all ages. Various Asanas, or Yoga postures, provide relief to different parts of the body.

Yoga Treatment for Ankylosing Spondylitis
Yoga is very effective in treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis. This mind-body exercise involves meditation, breathing Asanas and some physical postures.
There are many Yoga poses that help in relieving people from stiffness-related pains such as Dhanura Asana (Bow posture), Makara Asana (Fish pose), Bhujanga Asana (Snake Pose), Ardha Matsyendra Asana (Half Spinal Twist), Neti Kriya and Vajra Asana (Diamond pose). These poses remove rigidity and enhance flexibility of the joints. They also correct human body postures. For muscle relaxation, Pranayama (Breathing exercises) is very effective.
With the exercises and meditations taught in Yoga, people with Ankylosing Spondylitis will greatly improve their flexibility and breathing. Yoga will also replenish your body with the energy it needs.
Symptoms :- One common symptom is pain around the shoulder blade. Patients will complain of pain along the arm and in the fingers. The pain might increase on standing sitting, sneezing, coughing, or backward tilting of the neck. Another common symptom is muscle weakness. Muscle weakness makes it hard to lift the arms or hold objects firmly.
common signs include: @) a stiff neck that becomes worse
@)headaches that mostly occur in the back of the head
@)tingling or numbness that mainly affects shoulders and arms, although it can also occur in the legs.